State of New Mexico Group Benefits Plan

Qualifying Events for State Employees

General Information

  • You may make changes to benefits within 31 days of a valid Qualifying Event.
  • A qualifying event may include a change in coverage or dependency status.
  • You must submit documentation to support the Qualifying Event. Click here for the documentation requirements.
  • The enrollment change form and documentation must be submitted at the same time.
  • You may make changes to Disability or reduce Supplemental Life at any time.
  • For more information about Qualifying Events please review the Admin Guide here.
  • I am a New Hire and do NOT have a Qualifying Event

Transit & Parking Benefit Changes

Supplemental Life Changes

  • The Hartford Supplemental Life is voluntary and may be changed at any time, effective for the close of the month.
  • Any increase in Supplemental Life outside of the New Hire window require EOI (Evidence of Insurability). The Hartford will contact you about this process.
  • Dependent children DO NOT require EOI.